Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Change: Nothing Major

I've decided that my blog will probably be a weekly thing. I'm starting off on a weird day and I'll probably change it to every Saturday. So just a warning. I've been trying to nag myself into updating, so here I am. Writing on a Wednesday afternoon.

I woke up a little earlier today. Since then, I've eaten some fruit loops, checked my emails, and  caught up on reading Deathly Hallows. I haven't been able to read because of things. But I think I will be able to finish it if I keep going at the pace that I'm going in about a week. 

So even though I'm really not all that athletic, I can do certain things and I take an interest in certain sports. It's probably weird of a blogger, but whatever. I really enjoy baseball and football. I can throw both rather efficiently, but I don't play either because of reasons. I used to do gymnastics up until two years ago because of reasons I think I already explained. I also used to do soccer when I was little, but then I almost blacked out on the field from heat exhaustion. I was so good that my coach didn't ever want to take me out, not even exaggerating. So this one day we had a double game and I never got to sit on the bench. I was constantly out there in knee socks, shorts that went to my knees, a jersey, and a long sleeved undershirt. That was our uniform. And on top of all that stuff, it was about 95 degrees (Fahrenheit, don't worry) outside. It was bad. So I quit that and just focused on gymnastics but then the incident and I quit that. So now I'm just doing dance. Which brings me to the point of this entire paragraph. The other day, I had my dance performance. It was four freaking hours long. But it was so fun! I had four dances to perform and they were all pretty sassy. My friends and I had so much fun together. It was exhausting, I won't lie, but it was loads of fun. 

So anyway, other than that, I haven't had much going on. I finished all my exams with flying colors (ish) and so I've been chilling. Just watching Netflix and whatnot. Doing regular, lazy, blogger stuff. I did have to go to drivers' ed though. From 8:30 to 4. Bloody boring I must say. Terrible. And FREEZING. Like seriously?! We have to wear like two jumpers in that room. But whatever. I only have two days of that left and driving tests. I think I'll be okay, though. My dad says I do pretty well. So I'm not largely worried. I'm just very paranoid because the instructor keeps showing these wreck videos and it's terrifying me. Like honestly. He doesn't need to show us all that, but whatever. It'll be over soon enough. And then I'll have my license. Hurrah! 

On the Jix scale, not much happening. I didn't go on my last day, so I didn't see him. He probably wouldn't have been there anyway, but whatever. I do see him once over the summer, though. I think. Maybe. Depends. But I have to work with him, as I said, so I'm not entirely worried about him either. I'm not stressing anything with him. I want everything to be natural. Not trying to be cheesy or whatever, but I don't want anything to be forced. I want to feel like something is right before I ask anything. Ugh. I sound like such a cautious person, but I've already had my heart broken twice so I guess it makes sense. 

Enough about my "love life" as people call it. I just call it a tragedy, but whatever. I haven't got much else to talk about than what I've already said. I'm editing my book now. That's something. I've gotten pretty far, but like I said. Procrastination is a huge problem for me. I can't get much done without taking a week long break. I also have some sort of ADD so I can't sit down for a long time without feeling jumpy and distracted. It's torturous and hard to handle, but I manage somehow. I think that closes out this blog, though. So I hope everyone is having a good summer, or if you're just staring up school or whatever, good luck. 



Until next time,

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