Friday, May 8, 2015

Lifetime: First Post

Well here it is. The first of my posts. Clearly, my name is obvious. But holding to the standards of my blog title, this blog will be about anonymity. No one's real names will be used unless I for whatever reason have to use their real name. 

Anyway, I think my first post should be about my life. A general summary maybe? To get it out there. I think that would be a great place to start. Even if no one sees this or no one actually cares, I will try my best to update and post usually. It might be hard because I am really bad at procrastinating and sometimes my life just isn't interesting. So with that, I'll start. 

I'm not all that interesting sometimes, as I said before, but I sure as hell can tell a good story. I'm a writer. I have finished a book and I am currently editing it to fine tune it before I send it off to an official editor. I hope to publish, as any writer dreams of doing so. My name is Aspen. I guess it's not that common of a name and apparently it's "supposed to be" a guy's name, but I don't care. I love my name. I think it fits me. Whatever. Continuing. I am a dancer, but I have serious body problems (knee issues that might be tendentious but I don't want to tell my parents about it, I have major back issues but my parents don't seem to care or something, etc.). I used to do gymnastics, but then I got wrist fractures because the coach was a total bitch and didn't let us protect ourselves. So I quit after many many years. Let's see... I am a music junky and have a reputation for my taste and my vast knowledge of musical things. I read for fun (judge me I don't care. Go ahead. I dare you). I am a nerd and a geek, but I am not a dork. There's a difference. I'm kind of a loner (definitely a wallflower) but I have a couple friends. Some of them are kind of awful and will be talked about later on. I'm not a huge talker I guess, unless you get me talking about something I urgently love. I am a pyromaniac and I cannot lie. Fire turns me on. If I had to commit any crime, it would be arson, no question. But that's a bit extreme. Is there anything else? I don't know. I'm extremely sarcastic. So there's that. I watch Netflix like 24/7. Right now I'm hooked onto The A Team (it's old, yea, but it's absolute perfection. I'm going to cry when I finish it). 

I don't know if there's much else I can tell about myself. I'm an anglophile insomniac. There. I think that's the only other thing I could say or remember about myself. 

I might post later to start my telling of stories through anonymity. Funness. 

Until next time, 


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