Thursday, May 14, 2015

Blending the Days: A Conspiracy

Since I didn't post yesterday, today's blog will be about today and yesterday. I apologize for not posting, for those of you who actually read my blog. But I did warn in the beginning. This is the best I've actually done in a while for updating these sorts of things. S000 with that...

Yesterday I actually talked to someone about a problem I have been having for a long time now. I might possibly have tendinitis in my knees and I have some type of problem in my back. So for the first time I was telling someone about my problem and why I didn't feel like I could tell anyone about them when Jix walked by. I smiled, but it was weak. I guess he noticed that something was majorly wrong. I guess I looked like I was going to cry. Later on when I saw him, he asked me if I was okay. He asked if everything was alright. Jix wanted to know if I wanted to talk about it, and he also inadvertently asked me if I had a boyfriend. Haha. I guess that's some kind of plus, but possible reading into things isn't very smart in situations like this. Not for me. Or so I think I've found. Anyway. I felt really flattered that he noticed, and it just adds to my theory. It sucks that he had to see me so upset because I was indeed almost crying, but I guess it's kinda nice that he saw that. He saw what I normally hide. He saw a kind of raw emotion that I usually never show. I'm a stoic person, mind you, so the fact that I even sort of showed an emotion and he saw it is a MAJOR deal for me. He didn't seem entirely convinced, but he dropped it. Seeing as I wasn't looking him in the eyes, he kind of had to drop it. 

Today wasn't as interesting between me and Jix. We teased each other a little, but that's kinda normal. I got invited to this school party though. It was okay. Better than most parties. We got to sit on the bleachers if we didn't want to play the games or dance. They played music from a big speaker. They had snacks, in a sense, and drinks. I watched Netflix for a bit but I didn't want to drop my laptop because it's school property, so I just sat and talked with friends and watched the chaos happening on the floor below me. It was interesting. Some people were just dumb, but it was interesting. I just can't wait until everything is over and done with. My exams start tomorrow... Scared for my life. Completely. 

Also, I have this mentor training thing on saturday, the same day that Pitch Perfect 2 comes out. I'm hoping to go see that as well, but who knows. This upcoming Tuesday is also my last day to practice for my dance performance. I'm nervous, but I'm really excited. It's going to be so fun. 

Right now, I'm sitting in my mom's classroom waiting to leave because I need a ride getting home. I'm listening to Need Your Heart by Adventure Club; it's blasting through my headphones. Headphones that I need a new pair of, just by the way. Seriously. I need a new pair. I've been looking for some, but I can't decide. I've been using these SONY ear buds for a while now. They've been really nice, but I want some over the ear headphones. Not beats, though. Those have nice sound, but they short out really easily for me. I want the kind that has a replaceable cord. The ones that are really hard to short out, but are replaceable anyway. Those are the kind I'm looking for. Anyway, I'm about to watch Netflix when this song ends. So I'm going to end this blog now. Yay. Another post over and done with. Accomplishment. 



Until next time,

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