Sunday, June 7, 2015

First week: First part story

Alright! Yay. On task. Right now, I am just sort of surfing around on the internet and I remembered the blog. So yea. Accomplishment. 

I got home about an hour or so ago. Maybe two and a half. No clue. Don't remember. But I am singing along to my music and I was about to download some more music. Nothing very interesting has happened today. I do know, however, that I am going to a beach camp for a week in about a week. Ha. Funny how that works out. I don't know. I have a weird humor. Anyway... Starting on how this week has gone (the bits that I remember). 

So recently, I've gotten really obsessed with KPOP, specifically EXO and Shinee. I really really like it. It's cool. I know that most people would think it's weird or it's just stupid to like that kind of music, but you know what? Screw those people. To the ones that are reading this and judging me for my music choice: piss off. As I told one of my friends: It's not like I'm saying I enjoy communism and would rather the japanese and korean people take over. No. I'm saying I enjoy what they produce. I like anime. So what? I like KPOP. So what? You like rap and I hate that music but I don't judge you because of it. I just don't like the music. I don't like how it sounds. That doesn't give me the right to judge you because of your choice and taste in music. That's just bullshit and I need people to stop this hatred towards my choice. It's dumb. I literally can only tell three people about this choice in discovering new things about different cultures and places. It's not like I decided: hey I feel like pissing off half of the population, so let me watch anime and listen to kpop. I feel like screwing with everyone and so I think I'm going to pronounce myself a terrorist. NO. THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M SAYING HERE. I'M SAYING I ENJOY A GENRE OF SHOW AND MUSIC. I'M SAYING THAT I'M TRYING NEW THINGS. SO JUST PISS OFF. 

Well... Now that I have THAT off my chest, on to the rest of the past week. I watched Hansel & Gretel on Netflix a couple times. I really love it. It's a really good movie and I recommend it for everyone. Seriously. Unless you're a small child, and then no. I also worked at this kid camp all this week (except Tuesday and Thursday, but that's another story that will come later on). It's called Camp Invention and it's for kids K through 5th. There was one little Asian boy in one of the groups I was working with and he was the cutest thing!!! His name is Tanner, and I honestly think I could have taken him home with me. He was so quite and willing to work. He got everything done and he enjoyed himself. He was really shy, but he was really cute and really tiny. I guess he went up to about my hip. I am 5'1". So he was really small. I absolutely ADORE Tanner. Seriously. It's almost a bad thing. Hahaha. But I'm not the only one that was kind of love-struck, in a way, by Tanner. My other coworkers really loved Tanner and so did my mom (I sent her a picture of Tanner that I took with my phone). Adorable little child. I seriously wish he was my neighbour or something. He's just too cute. Anyway. Moving on because I'm sure I sound like a creeper... As I was saying with the Tuesday and Thursday thing... I have dance classes from 2 pm to 8:30 pm. It's really exhausting but fun to a certain extent. I think I'm also going to start taking another dance class for about an hour on Mondays, but I'm not sure. So that's why I missed camp those two days. 

So besides the camp and dance, this was a relatively uneventful week. I watched Netflix and downloaded music. I read a little, but I really wanted to just chill before I started any kind of summer reading (two boring books). They're never fictional anymore and that honestly kills me. I can hardly read the memoirs and nonfiction books that they make us read. They are horrendous. Like dude! If you're going to force us to read a book over the summer and actually remember what happened enough to take a test and do a project on it, it better be a pretty damn good book! (Excuse my french but I am passionate about this). 

Oh and I think that maybe starting this week, I will type up some excerpts from the same story in order. Maybe it'll motivate some people to read it? I don't know. No clue. So here we go. This story isn't yet finished, and that could come back to bite me in the butt. However, I'm going to type it here anyway. 


A boat and the sea is all that a sailor needs. A pirate though... A pirate is a different story. A pirate needs a ship, the sea, a crew of outlaws like them, and a girl to admire along the way. Someone to impress. That is what a pirate needs. And God forbid you forget the rum...


"The captain of this here ship is rumored to be a pirate. Bloody lies if I do say so meself. I have my bets on the lies though. No one hardly ever goes onto the ship for fear that their captain will be absolutely mad. They refuse to believe that a pirate can be a morally correct person. Pirates are ordinary sailors, but work with the sea and not against it. The plunder they take is only a treasure they receive for bein the pirates they are." The sailor explained. The crew called the sailor Starr. He loved the sea, but was terrified of it. He adored the ports and watching the water more than he loved being in it. He couldn't get out of his job, though, because of the captain. The captain was a work of beauty. 
"What kind of rumors are spread about this.. captain?" the girl in front of Starr asked. The girl was about 15 or 16. Starr was curious about the interest from the girl. She seemed almost eager to get on the ship herself. Starr looked from her to the little boy, about 9, next to her. He was holding onto her fingers like they were the only thing he had left in the world. 
"I can tell ya, sweetheart, but the boy has to go. He won't want to be left alone if he hears such tales of Captain Rix." The girl looked at the little boy in sympathy. Why sympathy? Does she really love the sea and such stories so much that she wishes the boy the same passion? Or does she have pain in her eyes from knowing this boy could be damaged for life? Does she wish to be a sailor like him? Whatever it passed over her face as quickly as a seagull snatching food from beach picnics. 
"Beau, you have to go home ok? Sister has to talk to this nice sailor. Can you get home well enough? I do not want Mummy and Father getting angry because you tracked dust onto the carpet. You know how Maid Nikki gets when she had to clean such things. Remember when you left your turtle on the desk and she had to clean off the dirt? Remember how mad Nikki became? I do not want to come home and find that you are in trouble again. Father mustn't become mad again." The girl said to the boy, Beau. Beau nodded. He looked ashamed of the memory and blushed, averting his eyes to his shuffling feet.
"Good boy. Now run along home, Beau." she said. 
The girl watched Beau Carefully and as still as an eagle. She stood up from a crouch when she could no longer see the boy. She turned to Starr with a stony look. 

Until next time,

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