Sunday, May 17, 2015

Almost: Close to Freedom

Yo my beasties! I'm almost there! Four more days until I am officially off for summer. For me, it's only three because I'm skipping the last day. Playing hooky. It's gonna be awesome. It's currently extremely hot here, though so that sucks. Also, exams. I only have english on monday, so that's good. After that I have: a geography exam, a speech thing on theatrics and some other exam that's going to be easy. So I'm not really all that concerned. I haven't studied much which is probably driving my mom crazy, but I don't care. As you can see, I'm on here. So yup. 

I'm listening to This Little Girl by Nightcore. It's an obsession song of mine. I'm also watching some YouTube videos and stuff. I'm basically just doing anything that will help me procrastinate. So yay. This morning started off really crappy though. Like seriously. It sucked. I'm still furious about it. I walked out of the shower this morning to find my dog ripping up one of my books. Completely casually. He froze when I walked into my room because he knew he would be in trouble. I screamed. Like really?!?! That's my fucking book! He was tearing up the one I'm currently reading, too. Not just some book I read a long time ago or something. Nope. And on top of that, it was a book my brother gave me. So of course I'm not going to get a replacement! Duh! One of my friends offered to replace it but I nearly screamed when he implied it. Like dude no. That's my personal book. I don't want one bought by YOUR money! I want the one my brother bought for me! So now I hate my dog, Calvin, and I'm extremely sad that I have to carry around my poor book with book tape covering the front. It's depressing and pathetic. Ugh. I still want to cry over my book. Which is probably the most pathetic thing anyone has probably seen, but come on! I love my books! It's so sad! 

But anyway. My other dog, Riley, just came into my room. So he's entertaining me for a while before I go back to vine and stuff. I have music playing as well. Right now it's La La by The Cab. I love them and this song. So awesome. So that's calming me considerably. I'm singing along to it, and I've been told I have a good voice by many people (even though I'm too shy to test that theory in front of a lot of people) so that makes me feel even better. 

I don't really have anything else at the moment, so bye beasties. 



Until next time,

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