Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Last Day: See you never

Oh yes! There it is. The illusive and oh so beautiful last day. I am officially off for summer. Hallelue! Some of my friends have been begging me to come for the last day tomorrow, but I'm thinking "um hell naw! See you in two months bitches. I don't wanna see yo ugly mug! Not in school! Not when I don't have to!" Who's with me? Who would ever go to school when they don't have to? That's just cruelty. I'm already being forced as it is. I don't want to have to go on the one day that it isn't a big deal. If I am going to choose between a sappy, cry-day with friends and a day to chill on the couch, stay home, and watch Netflix, I damn sure am gonna choose the latter. Like seriously? You even have to ask? Shouldn't have to. Seriously. I might get a little freaked cause we watched World War Z again in my class, but I should be fine. I have my two dogs. Plus, I can text my friends. Who cares? No one. Everyone's going to be texting in class. Like geez. Why you gotta complain when you're going to be spam texting me anyway?! Like bruh. Chill. But anyway. 

Right now I'm staying up way late. The other people living in my house are sleeping cause they have to go, but I don't so yea. I'm listening to some sweet music while I'm writing this. Good stuff. It's an exciting time. So anyway. I'm feeling like a writing blog. The first of this blog! Yay! I think it's appropriate. A new season, a new series. Don't you think that's proper? Nice and fitting? Well even if you don't, I do. So I'm going to do it anyway, seeing as you aren't here to help me decide. 

First off, I write many many things. Right now I believe I have around 50 works. Not all finished, of course, but I do have a finished book. I'm working on editing it, of course, but it's still completed. I've already started the second book to it, but I haven't worked on that in a while, sadly. Anyway... here we go. Open your minds. Let go of your imagination (I apologize if that brought up an unnecessary song). Breathe (always). And remember, I am not perfect. I make mistakes and some things you may not like. Well with that disclosure: let's begin with the beginning of this series. 

Pyros of the Night:

Stars are the key to escape. Stars work with the fire down on earth. The fire whispers my name and tells me everything is okay. They say what the stars tell them to whisper. The flames lick at my skin as they say, "It's okay. God has you. Watch and adore." So I just smile and listen as he sparks fly up to join their masters. Their glittery parents high in the dark sky. The sparks exist as though they are baby stars. Reaching higher and higher into the sky. Towards the stars that they will soon join. The sparks disappear into the darkness when they begin to travel light years into the abyss of space covered in glittering and burning stars. 


As I allow the flames to affectionately lick at my skin with fiery tongues, I watch for flint. Where is he? He should be here by now. I turned around again, just to make sure that I really am alone. I hear a panicked yell coming from the other end of the clearing near the parking lot behind the mall. The fire licking all over my body is immediately disintegrated into the air as I let the fire fall from my hands, arms, and legs. I start sprinting towards the sudden scream; leaving behind a perfect black circle of soot from where I had stood waiting seconds before. Engulfed in the blue flames I love so dearly. I sprinted as hard as I could towards the scream. When I got to the edge of the clearing, I slowed down so I could catch my breath and not be detected. After about 5 minutes, I still didn't see anyone from the tree I was hiding behind. I was only greeted by an eerie silence. I crept slowly towards the cars and the parking lot. Towards the scream and the eerie silence that followed. I kept my eyes peeled for any movement. My ears cautious for any sound. My body and muscles taut in preparation to bolt or fight if need be. No one was around except for the single person laying a couple yards from the edge of the field clearing where I had just come from. I crept slowly as a lion stalking its prey towards the human. The orange hair was stained with red blood, causing the color to darken to a dark orange instead of what seemed to be a strawberry-blonde-ish color. As I drew closer, I realized the human's eyes were as grey as mine. Grey like the old ashes I leave behind when I allow the flames to burn out. I sort of recognized the face. I probably would have been quicker about it even more if the face hadn't been so beat up and bloody. I squinted my eyes in anger. 

"Grey..." I said to myself. I sat with the person until it started to grow dark. I didn't want to leave or move him until dark. This is the time when I am best at what I do. I picked the boy up with my renewed strength and carried him to the middle of the field that I had come from before I found him. I laid him down and then sat off a couple feet to the side of him. Not too far, but not too close. I have to make sure. It's the code. I have to obey the code before jumping to conclusions just by eyes and thinking to have familiarity. Jenson would kill me if I didn't obey. I called to by flames softly. Using my powers to summon them onto my hands and arms. I decided to refrain against full body, considering that it still took a lot of energy, and Grey was on the loose somewhere. The blue flames licked at my hands and arms again easily and without effort. I loved the flames touching my skin. The blue flames within my people is the strongest and hottest besides the legendary white flames, but the white hasn't been in existence within my people for eons. 

This is the snippet for this post. Any time I post a snippet from a story of mine, it will replace the quote. Just a little info before I log off. 

Until next time,

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