What is importance and who decides who or what fit that definition? Is there a scale for this sort of thing, or do we just know when something is more important than something else? Recently faced with this issue and confusion is not light. Thoughts have become riddled by the questions of importance. How can you decide if anime, that could very well save your life, is more or less important than the school work that will create your life in the future? How can you decide if KPOP, that makes you happier by a large margin and keeps you safe from harm, is more important than a "priority" that is a possible necessity in life? How can you choose? Why are we forced to create these decisions each day? Why do we choose them on impulse? Why are we ridiculed for our choices? Who decides that is right and wrong? Who was given that power, and why the hell were we not consulted? When did Atlas tilt the world and create so many crooked thinkers? And why were these people given the most authority over the rest of us? If this is the way life works, why can't the sane ones retract their contract peacefully? Because if this is the way life rolls, I would like to get off at the next train stop.
I've been talking with Presh a lot lately, and so thoughts of importance haven't been as prominent as when I wrote this. However, other thoughts have been. They haven't been great thoughts mostly, but it's not because of Presh. I have actually been happier most often because of her. It's nice. To have something to think about when I have nothing to do. To have someone to go back to when I feel just terrible. Someone I can talk to. I appreciate her for being there and for helping me wholeheartedly when I need it. She's sweet and so so caring towards me and others. I like helping her when she needs it because she's so caring and so compassionate towards everyone.
So I hope everyone can find someone like her. At least once in their lives. I also hope everyone is taking care of themselves. Drinking plenty of water and eating properly and sleeping well. If not, just try. You are important. :]
Until next time,
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