Saturday, July 11, 2015

Connected: Feeling of Universe

It's now been about two weeks again since I posted and I honestly have no excuse. I do have two entries lined up because I've been thinking a lot in the past weeks. Things have been stressful and I just haven't been being my normal self lately. I've been a lot happier because of Presh and the kpop I've gotten into, but it's still been very stressful for me in the past couple weeks. 

So, seeing that I might not post regularly, I might start just posting when I feel like it. When I get inspiration or when something happens. Or maybe even just when it feels right. I might not post two days in a row, but it is always possible. 

So with that, let me get started with the first blog of this session. Listening to Roya by Fariborz Lachini and Finn McCool by Michele McLaughlin also helps to put me in the blog mood (I'm listening to them now and I am honestly so freaking calm).

Anyway. Let's begin with something I wrote recently for my blog. I was feeling very connected to the world and time and air at that point. So I guess this sort of just came from that feeling. A feeling of universe I guess I would call it. Yea. That's definitely what I would call it. 


It's nice to just sit and listen, isn't it? To sit and watch the world. To sit and take in whatever music is blasting through your headphones. For all you know, the volume of that music could make you deaf. But what do you care? The rest of the world doesn't matter in that moment. So why would you think about listening to them? For all you care, you could live the rest of your life in that moment. Just sitting with the deafening music, may it be KPOP or screamo or classic or alternative. All that matters is that moment. No one is bothering you. No one is trying to talk to you. No one is trying to interrupt your peace. No one is trying to reach you. The only person you need to focus on is yourself and the person singing to you. Whether it be through the melody or the words. That artist is singing to you. And you only. So who cares if you go deaf? Who cares what's going on in the world? You have this moment. And you would live your life for it if you could. It must be nice to live in those moments so will you seize those moments? I do. 



"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science."

Until next time, 

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