Okay so I haven't posted in about two weeks now. I feel really bad about that. It was totally unintentional and stuff. The first week I forgot because I had to pack for camp and this week I couldn't because I wasn't home and couldn't. I got back from camp late last night and I just remembered this blog. Oops...
Again sorry, but not much has been going on. So not much has been missed. I have gotten a couple of my friends obsessed with KPOP as well. Not as much as me, but hey. It's a start. This past week at camp was awesome. I got to watch two of my friends get saved by Christ and baptized in the ocean. It was a special moment that I will remember for a long time. I'm really glad I got to go on this trip. It meant a lot to me and allowed me to talk to actual people about my serious problems. I had the opportunity to refresh myself and my depression got a smidge lessened because I was with friends that mean the world to me and I was with the Holy Spirit. Not many people like me blog about these things, but I feel the need to say something about it. Maybe I can start from the beginning. A different version of my life story. Something I've never really told anyone. My testimony basically.
So when I was really little, probably about third grade, I started going to these week long church camps. I had always been raised in church but I didn't really pay all that much attention to the actual story coming from it. I knew all the stories I had been taught by heart, but it was more of a history lesson than a real life situation. I didn't connect with any of it. I didn't feel compelled by whatever they were talking about. Now I'm not going to say that I am the best christian. I'm not going to say that I feel Jesus's presence all the time. I'm not going to say that I obey Him completely all the time. Because I don't. But I am going to say that He has saved my life and I couldn't be more blessed. I realize that. But sometimes it just doesn't affect me like it should. Anyway. So one year at this camp they showed a video of Jesus being tortured and nailed to the cross. I was horrified but I couldn't tear my eyes away. Tears were coming to my eyes, but not even the blur could distract from what I was seeing. My brother was there at the camp with me. Older, of course, but still there. I remember everything about that scene. I can never erase it from my memory. It was very very dark in that room. Everyone else was getting up and walking out of the room but I couldn't move. I was crying my eyes out. Something about that video had made everything I learned hit me like a thousand bullets. I couldn't breathe properly. I was scared and horrified and something in me questioned everything that had ever happened in my life. People would stop and look at the little kid of about 6-7 years old, but they wouldn't stop for long. My counselor stayed with me, but she couldn't get me to speak a word and she couldn't get me to stop crying. She noticed my brother standing a little ways off. Watching. Almost afraid to come closer while the counselor was there, but she called him over. He came over and comforted me and questioned me. From that point on, I understood what Jesus had done for me. I got baptized and saved a couple years later when I felt I was ready. My story isn't very special to talk about, but it's the most sacred story I own. No one else has this story and I appreciate that. Everyone has their own story. This is mine. Don't feel like talking much after that so here's another part of the story.
Kimmy's Pearls
The Encounter (Pt. II)
"Okay. He's gone. Now tell me. It is not like I'm going to run off and tell my father, and my mum would never believe a sailor story if her life depended on it. Plus, my mum would probably scold me for even coming down to the pier with Beau. She hates all you sailors and says "A pretty little girl like you would be kidnapped and sold for ransom."" the girl said. Her face was scrunched up; her nose crinkled, showing her distaste for her mother's attitude towards sailors.
"Do you not agree with her? Ya seem to fit in with those other aristocrats that despise us." Starr said. He was confused with the way she was behaving. She was proper like the Aries, but acted different.
"No. Of course not. I hate the way she treats the sailors like sea hounds, which is what she calls you, and I would never fit in with the other aristocrats. I am as proper as my mum and father want me to be, but it's all an act. When I'm not around Beau or my parents, I don't act like they want me to. They're lucky I left the house in this dress this morning. They were still complaining when I left the house without a corset, though. I'm not meant for those. They kill me. I'm a rebel to my parents, but extremely.. um.. how do you put it.. Aries to the sailor and middle class of England." she said. Starr couldn't fathom why she would have such an attitude to her high-class parents and rich lifestyle. Her life was flawless and easy.
"I don't care who ya are. Imma tell ya the rumors and tales anyway. It ain't like there's anything to keep me from tellin ya." Starr said.
"Wait. Before you tell me anything about this captain, I want to know your name. Mine is Robin. I need to know what I am to call you if I am to talk with you. Plus, who knows? We might end up in each other's company one day." Robin said.
"Starr. The crew calls me Starr. I ain't bound to tell ya my real name til ya know me. So don't be lookin for explanations darlin." Starr said. He was surprised that a girl like her was still on the port with him. Why was she even here to begin with? Didn't she had some fancy ball or girl things to attend to? Where was she supposed to be this very moment instead of with a sailor like Starr?
"I like that name. I don't know if I really care to know the full name. It can't be as interesting and sailorish as Starr.." she began, but caught herself. "Not that I won't like your real name, but I love the name Starr." She smiled sheepishly. A blush on her cheeks brought out the sea blue in her eyes. Her eyes were beautiful. They were a dark sky blue with an elegant sea green. Starr couldn't believe such a girl like this could have such vibrant colors in her eyes instead of faded colors like the rest of the Aries. No. This girl has vibrant eyes like the sailors and tannish skin from sunlight whenever she could catch it. She has dark brown hair like a black swan, but a little lighter from the sun, to compliment her eyes. Starr couldn't seem to get over the trance of her beauty. He was astonished at himself for allowing any kind of emotion to come from this girl, but what young sailor wouldn't notice this Aries? All of the crew would notice even if they only had a slight glimpse of her. Starr knew that she had to have come out to the dock many times in order to catch the sun in a way she had instead of staying sheet white, but he had never seen her before. Maybe she had just been an invisible Aries to him before and he never noticed her sailor-like beauty. No wonder her parents thought she was a rebel. She was completely the opposite of a typical Aries...
"Umm.. Starr? Are you okay? You're kind of zoned out." Robin laughed. "Are you surprised that I do not look like a normal aristocrat or something?" Starr nodded his head.
"I never would have imagined that such a girl could have so many sailorish qualities. You have the most vibrant eyes of any Aries I have ever met, girl." Starr said.
"Thanks Starr. I prefer to be different. Now tell me. I must know. The curiosity is eating me away." Robin said. Starr looked at Robin quietly. He needed to know if he could trust her enough to bring her aboard with him.
"I cannot tell you out in the open like this. Not on the port. If I were to be caught on the ports with an Aries girl, the cap'n would have my hide mounted on his wall." Starr said with a hint of skittishness.
"Why are you telling me if you are to get in trouble?"
"I'm tellin ya because you wanted ta know, didn't ya? Or am I mistaken? The cap'n might not even care what I say if he sees your raven hair and your dark skin with the bright sea eyes to match." Starr said. Robin blushed when she registered that he had just complimented her. Starr turned around and walked onto the ship. Robin followed, of course, and waited patiently for Starr to tell. He walked to the steps leading to the wheel and sat down. After Starr told her, she was hardly impressed. They were tales of magic and defying age. Keeping hold hostages and killing them to the utmost pain when they weren't needed anymore to his advantage and amusement. Nothing she hadn't heard before from her fairy tales. However, Robin tensed when she heard footsteps on the deck.
"Well well Starr. What have you brung aboard this ship now? Some other maid. Better dressed than the rest I must say." Robin turned to find herself face to face with the captain of the ship. His eyes betrayed him and showed his surprise of the girl on such a ship. The captain was much different than Robin imagined. Robin imagined him to be gruff and ugly with no sense of fashion whatsoever like the rest of the sailors. The man standing in Robin's face now looked nothing of the sort. This man was rugged and handsome. He had electric blue eyes that could have become electric from eels in the depths of the ocean he sails. His hair was dark as night itself with an electric blue streak in his gelled up fringe. He looked about 19, while she was 16. His clothes were captain worthy; dirty enough to know he worked on a ship with men throughout his days, but clean enough to know that he cared for cleanliness. His shirt was white with a V neck, and strings hung loose across the V opening on his chest. His black pants were loose enough to show his relaxed character, but tight enough so they wouldn't fall off without a belt. He wore brown pirate boots with cuffs at the top that looked well worn and comfortable.
"So missy. You never quite answered my question. True, it was directed at Starr, but I would have expected a girl like you to speak up without being spoken to." He spoke with a manor that wasn't what she was used to from the other sailors. Where did he come from?
"I should ask who you are. You have no right to be asking who I am. I am who I am and that is enough, should I remind Starr of that once more, my blood might boil and very much kill me on the spot."
"Fine threat you got there missy," the man said. Leaning so where he could see Starr behind Robin, he spoke, "You mustn't make her repeat herself. It would be a shame to lose something so beautiful, now wouldn't it?" Starr bowed his head like a puppy caught digging in the vegetable gardens of maids.
"Yes cap'n. Quite." Robin looked at the man with her raven eyebrows raised.
"Captain? You seem hardly old enough to be captain of such a ship. Starr is older than you! How is it possible that you are captain of The Ravisseur?" Robin questioned.
"I am 19. That is how old my father was when he became captain of this ship. I became captain two years ago when he passed away into the depths of the ocean. I don't believe we have been properly introduced, yet. May we start off again?"
"Indeed. Should I trust you with information such as this, captain?"
"Why of course, my lady. Why ever so not? It's not as though I wouldn't harbor fugitives, and anyway, none of my other crew and shipmates are half as beautiful as you are darling," the man said with a smirk.
"You might soon learn why. What might your name be? Let's start with you," Robin answered.
"Captain Rix Black. And what is your name my beauty?"
"Robin. Robin Stryker." Rix stared at her. Though Starr seemed unsurprised, indeed he was. He knew she was an Aries, but not a Stryker. The Strykers were one of the highest class families in this city, and were known for their fancy parties and expensive, up-to-date fashions.
"Miss Stryker," Rix said, suddenly more serious than she had ever seen him. "What caused you to come aboard The Rabisseur?" Robin looked at him in the face, and without emotion responded, "I defy my mother, though you might not believe that. I am unsatisfied with my life as a, quote unquote, "Aries." I wish to be a free person and not a girl trapped inside a pristine home filled with corsets and fancy balls, Rix." Robin responded.
"I see. Well. I must go by your word. Maybe you can join me and the crew tonight for dinner? If you are so rebellious against your mother and father, this will prove it. Somehow, with your charm and wit, you must join us here tonight. I will provide the good and anything else necessary. Just make it here, and anything you wish to find on The Ravisseur is yours to find," Rix said. Rix was doing it again... How would Starr warn Robin without the captain noticing? Surely he wouldn't take his eyes off the girl, and it Starr even laid a finger on her, he would suspect something. The poor girl.. But she did indeed do this to herself... How am I to help her now? I have already told her the stories of Rix. That is all the help you must give her, Starr. He thought to himself. She would be fine. Wouldn't she?
Until next time,